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The 53 members in the Tea Party Caucus are: Sandy Adams (FL-24), Robert Aderholt (AL-04), Todd Akin (MO-02), Rodney Alexander (LA-05), Michele Bachmann (MN-06), Roscoe Bartlett (MD-06), Joe Barton (TX-06), Rob Bishop (UT-01), Gus Bilirakis (FL-09), Paul Broun (GA-10), Michael Burgess (TX-26), Dan Burton (IN-05), John Carter (TX-31) , Bill Cassidy (LA-06), Howard Coble (NC-06), Mike Coffman (CO-06), Ander Crenshaw (FL-04), John Culberson (TX-07), Jeff Duncan (SC-03), Stephen Lee Fincher (TN-08), John Fleming (LA-04), Trent Franks (AZ-02), Phil Gingrey (GA-11), Louie Gohmert (TX-01), Vicky Hartzler (MO-04), Tim Huelskamp (KS-01), Lynn Jenkins (KS-02), Steve King (IA-05), Doug Lamborn (CO-05), Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO-09), Kenny Marchant (TX-24), Tom McClintock (CA-04), Gary Miller (CA-42), Mick Mulvaney (SC-05), Randy Neugebauer (TX-19), Rich Nugent (FL-05), Mike Pence (IN-06), Ted Poe (TX-02), Tom Price (GA-06), Denny Rehberg (MT-At large), David Roe (TN-01), Dennis Ross (FL-12), Edward Royce (CA-40), Steve Scalise (LA-01), Pete Sessions (TX-32), Adrian Smith (NE-03), Lamar Smith (TX-21), Cliff Stearns (FL-06), Tim Walberg (MI-07), Joe Walsh (IL-08), Allen West (FL-22), Lynn Westmoreland (GA-03), and Joe Wilson (SC-02). 

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